Liongard’s Cyber Risk Dashboard helps you mitigate risk and deliver continuous attack surface management. With misconfigurations accounting for 95% of all cybersecurity issues, staying ahead means it’s critical to have visibility into security controls across the stack and across time. Always know what systems you have under management; detect and track changes as they occur; and be prepared with evidence for audits, compliance, and cyber insurance claims.
The IT stack has exploded. There are more systems to manage and the attack surface is always changing. The good news is MSPs can overcome this complexity automating the capture of configurations at-depth across your customer’s most important systems and protect your client environments. Liongard’s platform delivers reliable asset and account inventory as the foundation to strengthen your customers’ security posture. And as things change or drift over time, we’ll keep you one step ahead so you can mitigate risk for your customer.
Eliminate the everyday chaos of hunting for meaningful data. Tap into the power of automated documentation that enables the configuration change detection & response every team member in your business needs — meaning less time figuring out what happened and more time growing your business.
Automatically maintain an asset inventory with deep system configuration details across Endpoints, Network Devices, & Software.
Continuously detect and manage change across the stack.
Inventory users, assess and alert on changes to privileges and monitor for breached accounts.
Ensure timely renewals, protect DNS and prevent misconfiguration to email services.
Eliminate hours of manual billing reconciliation with Liongard as your single source of truth.
Why Attack Surface Management Matters to Credit Unions
Read ⟶Liongard Revolutionizes IT Service Providers Approach to IT Governance and Risk Mitigation with Configuration Change Detection and Response (CCDR)
Read ⟶Ensuring IT Governance & Mitigating Risk of User Accounts with Liongard
Read ⟶Liongard Partners with DataStream to Enhance Cyber Insurance Application Process and Strengthen Coverage Defensibility
Read ⟶See firsthand how Liongard can make your MSP more efficient and profitable.
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