Take charge of your EDR Security and Ensure Complete Coverage

Experience full visibility and control over your SonicWall Capture Client Account, Tenant, and Group policy settings. Gain a centralized view of your instance’s configuration, empowering you to proactively assess security postures and pinpoint areas for improvement. Take charge of your security with ease and confidence.

SonicWall Capture Client Inspector Features

Standard Configuration Baseline

Establishing a standard configuration baseline for your SonicWall Capture Client instance is a breeze with our partner features. Set robust security standards and effortlessly detect any deviations and drift.

Historical Asset Tracking

Partners have access to historical data tracking for up to 18 months, enabling them to analyze changes to assets over time. This historical perspective aids in identifying trends, tracking security incidents, and assessing the overall health of the environment.

Report Generation and Custom Metrics

Partners can generate comprehensive reports to verify comprehensive deployment of the EDR. You can also define custom metrics based on your specific requirements. Share information with customers, gather defensible evidence and demonstrate compliance.

Learn more in our Docs Site.